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Some shorter than others. When you're inspired, write it down. Humor, inspiration, encouragement, challenge. We all need a little. 
A happy heart makes the face glad.

Rhyme and Reason: News


Just a few thoughts through verse

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Rhyme and Reason: Welcome


Sentimental verses with a touch of thought or humor

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Rhyme and Reason: Welcome


Christmas Poems through the years

            For many, especially those who are children at heart, Christmas is a favorite time of year. Opportunities abound for charity and expressions of love and appreciation. Children give extra hugs and families draw near.  Everything seems crisper and fresh as the evenings begin getting cooler.  Couples and families begin putting cards and letters in the mail as they send Christmas and holiday greetings and best wishes for the New Year.

Several years ago, I decided to begin a tradition of sending original verses to family and friends. These are simply testimonies to celebrate Christ rather than celebrating a time of retail sales and feasting. He didn't command us to remember His birth. However, Jesus himself told us to remember His death and resurrection. After all, that was His mission.

We must remember His life, death, and resurrection. But it all began with the fulfillment of the prophets… “unto you a Child is born…” and “God with us.” Christmas is indeed a special time because we know that long ago a baby Boy was born. Born with a mission. And that mission was supremely accomplished as only God’s Son could.

Enjoy your celebrations. And enjoy the One who came so we may sing!

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Rhyme and Reason: Welcome


Children offer a lifetime of memories to enjoy

How often do you sing, read, or tell stories to your children at night? Or for that matter, any time of the day?  It is a wonderful feeling to sing for children when they are going to sleep or when they just want to be held or when they just want to spend time with you. Children have a way of outdating their preschool years too soon. Enjoy the times you get to make up rhymes or silly stories at bedtime. Remember them; they may become favorites. Never leave them thinking that you do not know any stories; there is always a great story in the Bible! And if they get scared in the night, by all means, let them always come to you. Pray for your children. They will remember the times you prayed for them at their bedside and will come to you again.  Teach them that God wants to hear them pray and He listens. Children are precious gifts to pour our lives into for future generations.
Remember to care for them as such.

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Rhyme and Reason: Welcome
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