Encouragement for Men, Women, and Marriage
TWO TWENTYFIVE believes a healthy marriage is achievable - with great rewards. Marriage was God's idea. He blessed it. He told Adam and Eve to be fruitful and multiply. The potential to change the world through healthy and godly marriages begins with yours. Join us on this incredible journey called marriage.
TWO TWENTYFIVE is all about investing in the lives of couples willing to sacrifice and do what is necessary to establish a home and family that honors the Lord and impacts future generations.
Life has many twists and turns, ups and downs. Love motivates and strengthens us to press on through the difficult times while allowing us to rejoice evermore so during seasons of joy.
Genesis 2:25 alerts every couple to the fact that being exposed completely to our spouse has the potential to be humiliating. It isn't just our body that will be exposed to our spouse. While a marriage certainly includes the physical body, a marriage that perseveres through the valleys also highly considers the heart, soul, and mind. TWO TWENTYFIVE's goal is to bring encouragement to men and women, challenge them to love and cherish one another through all circumstances, and to enjoy the journey of marriage for future generations.
TWO TWENTYFIVE is a member of the Association of Biblical Counselors, offering biblical and pastoral counseling to those in need.
TwoTwentyfive is a nonprofit ministry located in Crestview, Florida committed to encourage men and women to love and cherish one another through all circumstances and grow lasting marriages. It is supported by tax deductible contribution and governed by a Board of Directors.

God's Word refreshes and nourishes the soul. There is no thirst He can not quench.
Life is full of challenge; some good, some not-so-good. TwoTwentyfive holds to the truth that God's word speaks to life's circumstances and never fails in offering the best principles to live by. The Baptist Faith & Message offers a comprehensive discussion regarding our faith and believe in the foundational doctrines of faith and practice. Nothing in this world offers wiser counsel than God's word. Those who seek Him will find Him when they seek with all of their heart.